Current Issues in Soteriology
ISBH had its first symposium on “Current Issues in Soteriology” in January 2021. Six theologians presented papers and an international audience offered critiques. These papers were then compiled into a single volume and are available for free download.

You may download a free typeset pdf of the book here (the cover is here).
You may also download a free epub version here.
Table of Contents:
Preface: Paul Miles
1. A Quadrant Model Of Soteriological Compromises (Paul Miles)
2. The Lordship Salvation Conundrum: Regeneration Prior To Faith (David James)
3. Does John’s Gospel Require Continual Belief for Eternal Salvation? (Tom Stegall)
4. Does James Make Works a Criterion for Eternal Life? (Paul Miles)
5. Salvation in Eastern and Western Catholicism Compared and Contrasted (David James)
6. Justification: Are Evangelicals and Catholics Really Together? (David James)
7. Old Testament Salvation (James Myers)
8. Baptisms (James Myers)
9. The Free Grace Faux Pas: Justification by Grace Followed by Sanctification by Works? (Dennis Rokser)
10. Biblical Discipleship: Sanctification in Practice (Daniel Goepfrich)
Appendix: Doctrinal Statement (ISBH)
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